Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
My name is Nisqiyah Firdaus. You can call me Ninis. I was born in December 15, 1995. I am age 13 years old now. I school in junior high school 1 Sidayu. My hobby is writing, and exercise Tapak Suci. My idea is become Doctor success. I live in Bunderan village, Sidayu- Gresik.
My favourite colour is white, blue, and yellow. And like motivation my study me popular idol is father president Indonesia at 4 that is Bj. Habibi. I have too shape popular idol her name Pasha (ungu). For problem achievement me once can champion 1 in a race DI Cup (Darul Islam Cup) in Gresik.
I have too family that is firstly that my father, her name is Kusnan. He was born in August 15, 1967. He work like is Trader. He body heavy is 85. and high is 180. and secondly that my mother, her name is Khodijah. He was born in June 7, 1974. He work like is Employer KUD Sidayu. He body heavy is 45. and high is 155. and threely that my brother. Firstly that Arinis Sya’adati. She school in Base School SD Muhammadiyah Sidayu. Secondly that Muh. Aidhil Dzikri. He school in Childs Garden Bustanul Athfal 9 Sidayu.
I have too my home. My home in Gg. Mangga Rt.02/Rw.03 Bunderan village, Sidayu-Gresik. My home is home simple. My home self form 3 bed rooms, bath room, dining room, living room, sitting room, pray room, kitchen and otherhis.
Assalaamualaikum Wr.Wb
BalasHapusHello Ninis...
i like your blog, but in the second paragraph you write your mother with he not she...
Wassalaamualaikum Wr.Wb
BalasHapusYour writing is good,I like that.But in paragraph 2 you write " father,her name..."
actually " father,his name..".
BalasHapusyour writing is good.but your templates low design
BalasHapushi ninis
your writing is good but your paragraph too small and your templates is low ! !
BalasHapusNinis,your write is good.but in paragraph 2 you write"her name is khodijah.He was born...
actually"Her name is Khodijah.She was born....
BalasHapusHI NINIS!!!
Your write is good
BalasHapusHI Ninis your blog is good,and your write also good.