Hello friends.....!!!!!
Hai.... This is my sister. Her name is Rohmatul Fajriyah. But, I call is "Riya". And usually her friends call his "Jejer". She 18 years old. Next month at 5 April, she 19 years old. Now, her study in Airlangga University, faculty traditional madicine. She want to become Akupuntris, Herbalis, and hopefully Doctor traditional. Her hobby is make handy craft, drawing, singing, eating, and watching television.
Her first child from two brothers. Her father name is Abdur Roghib. And mother name is Alifah. And her brothers is Ahmad Maulidin. She has body is medium and tall, her skin is white, her eyes is black, and her nose is pointed.
BalasHapusni2s your blog is colourfull.so, i like it.
but,why your second posting is little
please add the sentence and one more please add the photo.
BalasHapusHi..Nis,your blog is G..O..O..D..! And I like your blog. But, in paragraph 1 your write "She want to become...." Actually "She wants to become....". Thank You,,,,,